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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

12 May 2022, 13:17

mjau-mjau wrote:
metallissimus wrote:One more feature I can think of: Adding comments to individual items in the cart. That could also serve as a basic solution for specifying print sizes etc.
Could you use native X3 image descriptions for this?
Oh, I wasn't clear enough: I meant comments that site visitors can add to the items. So they can for example say which size they want a print in or in a proofing situation talk about processing they want done. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

12 May 2022, 21:38

You mean be able to include one comment for each item in the cart after it's added?
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

13 May 2022, 06:19

mjau-mjau wrote: You mean be able to include one comment for each item in the cart after it's added?
Exactly. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

13 May 2022, 06:46

metallissimus wrote:
mjau-mjau wrote: You mean be able to include one comment for each item in the cart after it's added?
I have to admit, this is reaching insane interface and contact form levels. Auto-expanding comment input-fields would have to find space in the already-crowded cart interface, and all this needs to get sent through the self-hosted contact form emailer. If I was going to make something like this, I would consider a separate dedicated app made specifically for client/owner orders purely from a functional perspective ... Something looking more like Now that I am 60-70% complete with this complicated plugin, I'm actually not 100% sure what it's doing in X3.
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

13 May 2022, 06:51

mjau-mjau wrote:
metallissimus wrote:
mjau-mjau wrote: You mean be able to include one comment for each item in the cart after it's added?
I have to admit, this is reaching insane interface and contact form levels.
Nevermind then. I never know how complicated to implement something is, so I am happy to accept that my ideas are unrealistic. But I'd rather mention them and learn that than not mentioning them and later on learning it would have been easy. – corporate photography – wedding photography
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

13 May 2022, 10:45

metallissimus wrote:Nevermind then. I never know how complicated to implement something is, so I am happy to accept that my ideas are unrealistic. But I'd rather mention them and learn that than not mentioning them and later on learning it would have been easy.
I didn't mean to sound negative. I think for now, "comments" will not make it for first release, as I need to make some priorities, but we can always build upon this cart later.

Here are some more screenshots [incomplete design]. When user clicks "order" a custom form (from cart options) appears, which needs to be validated before the order gets sent. Everything needs to be customizable, translatable and has to work across all skins, layouts and font combinations. As you may understand, there are quite a few layers of technicalities.
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

18 May 2022, 20:47

Vulcano wrote: Lightroom:
  • Open the folder of the shooting in Lightroom’s Library mode.
  • Press the "<" key (to the left of the Z) to display the filters at the top.
  • Select the "Text" category there.
  • Select "Filename" and "Contains" from the drop-down menus.
  • Paste the filenames from your clipboard into the search field.
  • Now you will only see the images you have saved in the selection
Kind of a stupid question especially in this topic but is there or will be a Lightroom plugin in the future?

Also you've asked (first post) why would you do a limitation on number of items  in the Card. I've run into a situation that the client or the family had "X" amount of images for further editing or free print out options. That's at least my case might be stupid but still worth asking.

Thanks for the great work !
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

18 May 2022, 23:52

gxlucas wrote:is there or will be a Lightroom plugin in the future?
Will consider it for X4 which I might start later this year (X4 will be a free upgrade and build upon X3, but with a new core, new concepts and new panel, I don't have more info ...).
gxlucas wrote:Also you've asked (first post) why would you do a limitation on number of items  in the Card. I've run into a situation that the client or the family had "X" amount of images for further editing or free print out options.
I have already added "limit" as an option for the new pending cart plugin.

This cart plugin is quite generic, so users will have to make the best of it. In regards to limit, what happens when you navigate between pages with different limits? Global cart vs per-page cart? It's a bit messy to be honest, but will have to deal with it ...
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

26 May 2022, 05:48

Jumping on the Online payments suggestion, I definitely see a HUGE win for X3 with this option, as it would build on the supra lightweight product you already have.
That said, I understand the complexity of the whole system that goes with payments (payment module, refund, get delivery address, accept payment for physical or digital, add weight/dimension, and many many many more points).
That said, I believe their could be a sweet way to make a quick win by having an option to replace a "Buy" button link with something that we choose.
That would allow us to use Stripe (for example) with and manage all that aspect of options/payments/refunds/delivery address etc in Stripe and not overload X3.
Stripe is just an example, one could replace that with a PayPal or any other solution, the idea is to have that "pay" aspect handle separately while having a way to bridge them.

On X3 side, I believe that having an option to customize the link of the "Buy" button for each image shouldnt be too hard/heavy ?

What do you think ?
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

26 May 2022, 07:16

But how will you add prices then? At a very bare minimum, we would then need the following:
- Price input field for all images in panel.
- Cart pricing, will have to calculate all items and present a "total".
- Integration with multiple payment processors.

Then about Stripe / PayPal etc, I wonder how are we supposed to implement them? You just want to open a checkout-popup and allow the user to pay and that's that? It's not just a button "send to PayPal / Stripe" and then job done. It's an API that connects to their system, forwards payment amounts, requires API keys. We then should display states like "ordering", order "success", order "fail". Then of course there are API's on the server that detect when payments get made, so that one can update database and send success emails to customers on successful payments. Alternatively, we provide the button, no more interaction in X3, and you do the rest yourself, but who is gonna develop this for you?

Then of course, I haven't even mentioned all the other things that clients will want once this is in place, to make it functional: Amount +/- selectors per item, paper/print type selectors and size selectors per item. Or is it just an image and the user knows what they are buying when adding it to cart?

Is your cart really that simple that users will just add items to cart, click "checkout", pay by credit card and that's that? No pending status, no automatic actions after purchase, no emails get sent, no specific options per item? I mean, if I arrive on a website to buy something, unless you know me as a customer, I won't just click an image [$19] and just pay for it.
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

26 May 2022, 09:55

the Stripe payment links allow you to manage the categories and options you mentioned. i.e. when user lands on the stripe payment links page, they can select the different options, endter card details, and delivery address on that separate stripe page. So on X3 it's really only having one link per photo/object, and the rest is on Stripe side (including the order status and follow up).
It's done in a way that it's really easy to integrate and add new objects to sell.

Yes, the cart with multiple objects won't be applicable in such case (as every Stripe payment link is separate). 

Then about your points:
- Price input field for all images in panel. --> can be added by users as simple text, i.e. with no context 
- Cart pricing, will have to calculate all items and present a "total". --> stripe payment links are all independent, no cart, it's unique link for each objects.
- Integration with multiple payment processors.--> it's unique links, and same for stripe or for paypal

essentially, the stripe option i'm talking about is really only allowing us to add unique links behind a "buy" button that would appear as a side drawer for each objects
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

26 May 2022, 10:35

hyc wrote: the Stripe payment links allow you to manage the categories and options you mentioned. i.e. when user lands on the stripe payment links page, they can select the different options, endter card details, and delivery address on that separate stripe page. So on X3 it's really only having one link per photo/object, and the rest is on Stripe side (including the order status and follow up).
It's done in a way that it's really easy to integrate and add new objects to sell.

Yes, the cart with multiple objects won't be applicable in such case (as every Stripe payment link is separate).
Ok, but then this doesn't really seem much "cart"-related at all. In fact, you can already do that from current X3 just by assigning a custom button that points to Stripe and forwards data from the image.
hyc wrote:Then about your points:
- Price input field for all images in panel. --> can be added by users as simple text, i.e. with no context 
- Cart pricing, will have to calculate all items and present a "total". --> stripe payment links are all independent, no cart, it's unique link for each objects.
- Integration with multiple payment processors.--> it's unique links, and same for stripe or for paypal

essentially, the stripe option i'm talking about is really only allowing us to add unique links behind a "buy" button that would appear as a side drawer for each objects
But then can't you try to add this to existing X3? You can assign a "buy" button to all images, and link it to some "stripe/url/?item={{file_name}}&etc". I'm sure that can be done in current version, and I don't see how this can use the forthcoming X3 cart in any way at all.

I'm not sure what you mean "side drawer". Won't the "buy" button be visible for each gallery item, and when clicked, it would open an url in Stripe?
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

27 May 2022, 02:24

got your point, makes sense.
Thanks for taking the time !
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

01 Jun 2022, 08:52

Vulcano wrote:Format 1 for Capture One users: DSC0122 DSC0134 DSC0145
Format 2 for Lightroom users: DSC0122, DSC0134, DSC0145
Not sure you will read this, but are you sure Lightroom and Capture One can't use both formats? It's quite normal to expect lists of names separate by both spaces and commas.

Seems clumsy to include options for this.
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Re: X3 Cart Plugin [under construction] 🚧

01 Jun 2022, 10:38

mjau-mjau wrote:
Vulcano wrote:Format 1 for Capture One users: DSC0122 DSC0134 DSC0145
Format 2 for Lightroom users: DSC0122, DSC0134, DSC0145
Not sure you will read this, but are you sure Lightroom and Capture One can't use both formats? It's quite normal to expect lists of names separate by both spaces and commas.
Never mind. I already added options to list the cart in email as paths, names, comma or space. Paths is default, because it's the only option that displays items with the path, mostly necessary for carts that are not limited to a single page. The other three options are really only useful if the cart is limited to a single gallery, and therefore all cart items are from a single gallery page.