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X3 Beta v0.4

20 Nov 2014, 09:00

X3 Beta v0.4 Nov 20

Some are still having various problems with paths and mod_rewrite, so we are making efforts to try figure these things out before anything else. We have a new diagnostics page, this time within the page structure so we can see what path and values the templates are reading. This page can be accessed without mod_rewrite, and I will use it to compare various servers output. Demo:

Also, updated some rules in htaccess, fixed a bug in internet explorer 10, and fixed an issue when carousel and slideshow are running simultaneously.
modified:   .htaccess
new folder:   content/services/diagnostics/
new file:   templates/diagnostics.html
modified:   public/css/
modified:   public/css/
modified:   public/js/imagevue.min.js
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

20 Nov 2014, 15:40

Is there a recommended way to update our running betas? I'm still happy with my 0.1 but I think I might need to keep up with you :-)

I just tried to download the most recent beta and copy over the 'content' folder. This doesn't seem to work because the gallery overviews now didn't display any images anymore, just a spinning wheel. So I thought this might be the process where X3 renders all the images so I copied the 'app/_cache' folder too. That didn't change anything and that's why I'm asking for a recommended way :-)
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

20 Nov 2014, 23:23

RBachmann wrote:Is there a recommended way to update our running betas? I'm still happy with my 0.1 but I think I might need to keep up with you :-)
This is currently a disadvantage with the beta, that I haven't yet been able to outline any practical methods for updating. Unless you have an error, I would continue ignoring the updates for now, as they are mostly related to fixing issues on "some" server. At some point, you will want to upgrade though ...

General updating
The general thumb rule for updating, would be to simply upload and overwrite all files, except the content/ folder, which basically contains your edited content and settings. The only other exception, would be panel/config.php file, which contains your panel username and password (I might move that file to 'content') ... This update process should quote reasonable ...
RBachmann wrote:I just tried to download the most recent beta and copy over the 'content' folder. This doesn't seem to work because the gallery overviews now didn't display any images anymore, just a spinning wheel. So I thought this might be the process where X3 renders all the images so I copied the 'app/_cache' folder too. That didn't change anything and that's why I'm asking for a recommended way :-)
As mentioned, you should probably ignore the content folder ... I am not quite sure why it was not working, I would have to check. After updating, you should probably make a change to one of your pages and save, because this is how X3 knows when to refresh the cache which may be required after update. You could just add an empty space in any page, and save ...

For those of you who feel comfortable technically, there is a super cool utility for terminal/command line called Rsync, which basically synchronizes a local folder with a folder on your server. It takes the pain out of updating, because it automatically updates only files that have changed, and therefore it is normally super fast also. I will offer some basic syntax for this soon, for those who are interested drastically speeding up their update process, and at the same time becoming more knowledgable.

Panel Auto-update [future]
This is a feature we would like to implement at some point in the future. It is however a very tricky procedure if we want to make sure to not disturb any custom content, while at the same time making sure to update all requires files to a new version. It would rely on a PHP cURL FTP module, which allows your server to load files through FTP from our server.
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 08:27

now I see the site but i have always rewrite problem info..I ask the question to phpnet (
and your answer is : Mod_rewrite is not always recognized, but is enabled by default on all our servers
and now what do I do please :(
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 09:06

abertrande wrote:Hello
now I see the site but i have always rewrite problem info..I ask the question to phpnet (
and your answer is : Mod_rewrite is not always recognized, but is enabled by default on all our servers
and now what do I do please :(
Yes our answer is that, because it is not listed in your apache_module, and neither is the basic rewrite example working in your diagnostics page Therefore, I cannot even see that mod_rewrite is even enabled on your server unfortunately. The question is: What did your host answer to this question?

I think I am going to try to make X3 work without mod_rewrite, because a few users have problems with this option. However, this is not recommended and it will make your URLs not so nice, and will affect SEO slightly. Without mod_rewrite, your urls will look like this:
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 09:11

the answer of phpnet is : Mod_rewrite is not always recognized, but is enabled by default on all our servers
nothing else :(
do you want some info to help me ?
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 09:20

abertrande wrote:thank
the answer of phpnet is : Mod_rewrite is not always recognized, but is enabled by default on all our servers
nothing else :(
do you want some info to help me ?
Well, if you have FTP, I could try a few things in your diagnostics folder. However, I would like to know from your host how mod_rewrite works on your server. In the diag folder, we have a simple .htaccess file with the following:
RewriteEngine on

# Rewrite any file calls to the image directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !image/
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ image/$1 [L]
That intercepts any file call, for example diag/image.jpg and rewrites it to diag/image/image.jpg, which is where the file is. This is a basic and standard htaccess rule, and it is not working on your server ... You need to ask them why, as I can't see any evidence that mod_rewrite is working ...
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 09:24

I give you infos by mail
and ask the question to phpnet
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 13:53

mod_rewrite is "working" on your server, but there is something very wrong, and you need to contact your host about this.

See the mod_rewrite test error message:
The requested URL /home/users4/a/abertrande/www/x3/diag/image/image.jpg was not found on this server.
As you can see in the error message, the rewrite rule is in fact working, and rewriting call diag/image.jpg to diag/image/image.jpg. Also, although your server reports in the error that the requested URL was not found, it is clearly there! (which is its physical location)

Please ask your host to explain this behavior.
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

21 Nov 2014, 13:59

Thank a lot for your help
I ask the question monday
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

23 Nov 2014, 05:46

I updated all files
but ie10 doesn't load the page
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

23 Nov 2014, 08:56

dxodik wrote:I updated all files
but ie10 doesn't load the page
You might need to make a small change in any page, so that your websites is forced to load a refreshed version of the latest javascript. Please do this, and after send me a link to your gallery ...
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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

23 Nov 2014, 15:54

Hello Karl,

I installed v0.1 then 2 and 3 and let a fews days pass (I had to ask my host to upgrade my php server, now 5.5 and clarify a few things) before I saw the "v0.4 blocked". If you allow, I'd like to continue betatesting.

I can provide my current installation through pm if you'd like to check.

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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

24 Nov 2014, 13:39

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Re: X3 Beta v0.4

26 Nov 2014, 13:11

G'day Mjau-mjau!

I've got time on at the moment to test and vigorously test the beta platform.
I have provided some feedback re: red square in slideshow view and browser compatibility. I hope that helps.

I would feel better if I could critique and apply more vigorous testing to the beta updates.

Thank you and keep up the great work! It won't be long until you can resume your other work and stop getting annoyed with requests! :D

Cheers Karl!
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