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Imagevue X2.7

30 Apr 2011, 07:39

mjau-mjau wrote:Edit - 24th May: Imagevue X2.7 released public
Sorry everyone for this somewhat delayed release with several postponements underway. I'm not gonna waste energy on listing our excuses, although we do have a bunch XD. This is a preliminary beta release of Imagevue X2.7, and we still have a lot of work to do on it. If you are familiar with upgrading your Imagevue, then feel free to proceed with the Beta. If not, then you should consider waiting until we release the final version.

Get the Beta here:
Imagevue X2.7 Beta

Main new features (in a nutshell)
Fotomoto e-commerce (beta docs)
Multiple languages (forum)
Admin refresh
Dozens of minor fixes

Full release notes
For now, I have just copied our dev notes. I will create a proper overview shortly.
Important wrote: We moved the config folder to the gallery root folder /iv-config/
There is a migration script included that will auto-migrate all files and delete the old folder.
However if some issues will arise you can move the files manually from /iv-includes/config to /iv-config/
Make sure you've renamed configUser.xml to config.xml
mjau-mjau wrote:Added E-commerce with Fotomoto
Added support for multiple languages in file- and folder titles- and descriptions, text-pages and link (menu- and link function).
Example input:
[english]This is an English title[/english][french]Il s'agit d'un titre français[/french]

When accessing the gallery with ?language=english (or no parameter), it will show the English text, and when accessing the gallery with ?language=french, it will show the French text.
You can still use standard single-language input for those item where you don't need/want multi-language support. In other words, this feature is optional per field.
In the example above, there is 2 languages, but you can add as many as you like.
If a language is used that a text is not made for, it will use the text from the first language item.

Added optional rounded corners for thumbnails.
theme › thumbnails.thumbnails.frame.rounded
<rounded type="boolean" description="Sets a slightly rounded corner on the thumbnail frame. Looks best with frames that are wider than 1 px, or when using the box-setting below.">false</rounded>
Added optional thumbnail background-box - Forum
theme ›
<box type="boolean" description="Sets a symmetrical background-frame for all folders that contain different-size thumbnails (resize-to-box). Has no effect for folders where all thumbnails are the same size">false</box>
Added auto sorting setting for the audio player. This way, audio tracks can now be sorted manually from the admin if required.
settings › audioplayer.sorting
Added new option sharebutton_click under sharing settings.
settings › misc.sharing.sharebutton_click
<sharebutton_click type="enum" description="Sets the mouse-click event for the main share button. If set to 'menu', mouse-click will toggle the native Imagevue sharing menu. If set to 'extended', mouse-click will display the sharing popover html layer with extended sharing options, just like the 'more' button" options="menu,extended">menu</sharebutton_click>
Also, if all services are disabled from the sharing settings, the sharebutton click will default to open the extended menu, since there are no items to display in the native menu.
Added support for Flash transparency. You can use this feature to display Html behind the Imagevue gallery, although we do not recommend this because of performance issues and obvious placement issues. To apply this feature, you need to add wmode: 'transparent' and flashvar: transparent: true into your document. Normally this is achieved by editing iv-includes/templates/ unless you have a custom html document. - Forum
Improved Form functionality
The following features are available to all pages/modules with input fields: contact form, send-link form and password form:

The gallery does not exit from full-screen any longer when input form pages appear. Instead, the gallery exits from full-screen only if visitor clicks an input field. On form submission, the gallery attempts to go full-screen again if it was in this state before the form was focused.
Fixed fullscreen_click bug scenario. Gallery goes full-screen on first click, only if visitors first click is NOT a form input field.
Text in input fields for contact form and send-link form are retained after submit. This way if there is an error, the visitor can go back without loosing any of the text they entered.
Contact window closes automatically after successful submission, just like the send-link window (does not work for contact form embedded in textpage)
Added basic error indicators (red) when fields are not filled by visitor. All required fields must be filled before the visitor can click “send”.
“Tab” through form items with “enter” key (except for multiline input fields)
“Enter” key submits forms if “send” button is in focus.

Add new theme CSS classes for the main menu:
.mainmenu_password {}
.mainmenu_share {}
.mainmenu_level1 {}
.mainmenu_level2 {}
.mainmenu_level3 {}
.mainmenu_level4 {}
.mainmenu_level5 {}
Added Inverse Controls option to inverse the direction of all next/previous controls in the gallery. Useful in certain slideshows where you want the left/previous button to show the next image in order, photo-blog style.
settings › controls.inverse_controls
<inverse_controls type="boolean" description="Inverse the direction of all next/previous controls in the gallery">false</inverse_controls>
Added the possibility to run Imagevue-native functions directly from the main menu - Forum. Documentation Required
Added “View in Html” feature, which allows the visitor to switch the gallery to the corresponding html page from the flash gallery. This feature is available under settings for image-click, thumbnails-click, main-controls, image-buttons and right-click - Forum.
Added new mainmenu items setting. Now you can choose what items to display in the main menu, instead of using CSS to hide them.
settings › menu.mainmenu.items
<items type="array" description="Sets what items to display in the main menu" options="node,title,amount">node,title,amount</items>
Added new video loop setting for the video player.
settings ›
Added more context buttons to videos. Available items are inherited from imagebuttons, excluding items that do not apply for video files.
Added new feature auto-open image if there is only 1 image in the folder. It will skip thumbnails mode and open image directly. - Forum.
Added toggleplay option to imagebuttons, and fixed icon - Forum.
settings › image.imagebuttons.buttons
Added new setting show_title to enable or disable titles for textpages without having to use CSS.
settings › textpage.show_title
Fixed disable preview-image for folders with password-protection. Preview-image only becomes available after successful login to folder - Forum.
Fixed bug with large controls where the arrows may get stuck when navigating between images at different width - Forum.
Fixed Textpage bug, where long textpages sometimes appear without scrollbar, cropped by the stage - Forum.
Fixed Textpage bug when using multiple instances of the same image in a single textpage.
Fixed incorrect placement of share-button in thumbnails page that occurs sometimes- Forum
Fixed position of thumbnails tooltip for folders with variable (resize-to-box) thumbnail sizes.
Fixed largecontrols so that when autohide=false, it does not show the background color behind the arrow-buttons. - forum
settings › misc.sharing.enabled
Fixed Share button in imagebuttons to only display if sharing is globally enabled - Forum
settings › controls.largecontrols.autohide
Fixed bug in thumbnail-scroller where preview-image may not appear if mouse hovers over the thumbnail while it attempts to load.
Fixed bug in thumbnails page buttons, when resizing browser up and thumbnails update to display a single page.
Fixed warning in IE for swfmacmousewheel.js
Fixed wmode:opaque transparency issues in various browsers for compatibility with external services like Addthis, Facebook and Fotomoto.

We moved the config folder to the gallery root folder /iv-config/
There is a migration script included that will auto-migrate all files and delete the old folder.
However if some issues will arise you can move the files manually from /iv-includes/config to /iv-config/
Make sure you've renamed configUser.xml to config.xml

New: integration
New: Revamped HTML Gallery
New: Improved Caching
New: View as: Text in Admin
New: Keyboard controls in HTML gallery
New: FLV Video Player in HTML Gallery and Admin
New: Custom thumbnails for non-image files
New: Editor for Email Templates
New: Custom CSS editor
New: Force From in Emails which helps to resolve email issues with GoDaddy
New: BCC: Owner when somebody shares a link
New: Automated Authorization check in admin
New: Files/Folders stats
New: Disable Admin Bar setting
New: Disable EXIF/IPTC settings
New: Ability to overwrite files on upload
New: iPad stylesheet added, removes the link to Flash Gallery on iPad
New: Random sorting for files
New: Sitemap speed up
New: Portuguese Language added
New: Latvian Language added
Fix: Improved XML error handling
Fix: Custom thumbnail creator is now correctly calculates thumbnail scale ratio
Fix: Missing titles for mp3 files on some servers
Fix: Better auto-expanding textareas
Fix: Minus sign is allowed in folder titles
Fix: Spaces in paths don't break links in emails (not that it's recommended to use spaces)
Fix: Cache is being recreated if there is an error in XML
Fix: For for image sharing for IIS/Win servers
Fix: Small improvements in admin
Fix: Default files sorting
Fix: IE9 Fixes
Fix: Bug with multiple background selectors
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 09:42

Downloaded it and running it on a seperate folder for testing :) Everyting seems to work ok. Just one question about using the build-in e-commerce. There are two buttons available in the admin: purchase and fotomoto. Which one should I activate?

I'm assuming this is a beta thing and the final will have only one option?

Anyway, keep up the good work :) Much appreciated.
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 10:16

iKremers wrote:Downloaded it and running it on a seperate folder for testing :) Everyting seems to work ok. Just one question about using the build-in e-commerce. There are two buttons available in the admin: purchase and fotomoto. Which one should I activate?

I'm assuming this is a beta thing and the final will have only one option?
The "purchase" option is actually a very basic setting which has been with Imagevue for some time. Unfortunately, we have to keep it for those who are already using this option. It simply enables an external link for each image that can be defined from the admin ... This is why all the new e-commerce is defined separately under "fotomoto".
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 11:58

Ah, okay :)

I've linked my imageue gallery to my fotomoto account and all my images show up in the dashboard, but the widget has some glitches.

A product I deselcted as available (8"x8") show up in the list with available print sizes and the larger print sizes are displayed in the area of the paper options which makes the text unreadable and non selectable.

I'm not able to select imagevue as a hosting option, perhaps fotomoto has to make some changes on their end for everything to work okay?
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 14:26

grimurnet wrote:Hi and thanks for the beta release.
I get this error in the admin:
User Error: The path, entered to contentfolder setting, is not a valid folder (/iv-includes/include/ivXmlNodeDir.class.php:31)
What do I have to do?
I fixed it, I had to change the directory folder name
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 17:14

Hi Karl and Nick,

Thanks for this beta-release.
I'm testing it and the multi-language part is working correctly as far as I can see.

But I encounter a different problem...
Everything is working fine... until I copy the config.xml to my the 2.7 test-environment.
The menu still works and all other things too... but when I click on a gallery the thumbnails do not appear, but the whole flashprogram freezes and the session has to be killed.

I assume there is a setting in the old configUser.xml that is causing the problem, because when I start with no config.xml and apply some settings to create a new config.xml, everything works fine.

I will further investigate this problem, but maybe you recognize it quicker than me, when you see my old configUser.xml...
Last edited by Martin on 30 Apr 2011, 17:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 17:22

the developer notes are very helpful... thanks!
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 17:31

I just want to say wow, the html is fantastic, I really like the new features. Well done, good work. Now I understand why it delayed a bit, it was worth the wait :-)
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 18:11

There is one thing that is missing, in the thumbnail view would be nice to have a background when thumbnails are set to resize to box, like in the thumbnail scroller.
thumbnailscroller.JPG (7.54 KiB) Viewed 31165 times
Was too quick posting this.
I found the setting for it.

For those that also were wondering about this, you set it in the themes>thumbnails>frame>select box
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 19:27

I get this error when I go to a folder containg video in the html gallery:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function pis_a() in /iv-includes/templates/index.html.phtml on line 100
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 21:30


I've been on your gallery and I can tell you that I love the pictures! You're good!!!
Can I ask you how you managed to add the Facebook button in the menu?

Thank you!!!
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

30 Apr 2011, 21:45

Thank you for the release! I will try it!

Did you looked into my idea?
Abou the video embeding: WordPress is not allowing users to paste code in their pages but allows them to paste a link from youtube and they do the embeding for them. Do you think we can use that kind of "tech" the embed videos from youtube in text pages or maybe in the video player?

I don't know why my video player doesn't even come up in the filemod... Can you help me somehow with that?

I will try the new version, maybe it's working.

Thank you again!!!
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

01 May 2011, 00:16

does this include the horizontal menu update?
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

01 May 2011, 03:38

Just a remark:
I think its great that after the css-files are modified they are stored in their own directory /iv-config/css/.
The modified contact.html and sendlink.html do stay in their originial location.
Perhaps an idea to store them too under their own directory, like perhaps /iv-config/templates/
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Re: Imagevue X2.7 Beta

01 May 2011, 03:42

First of all I'd like to thank everybody for a warm reception. Now let's get to the point.
Sorry I've edited some of your posts for this thread to take less space.
grimurnet wrote:I get this error in the admin:
User Error: The path, entered to contentfolder setting
Glad you've solved it, but how come you got this error at all? Did you rename content folder and deleted it?
mabro wrote:Everything is working fine... until I copy the config.xml to my the 2.7 test-environment.
I've uploaded the config you've attached to, but I couldn't reproduce the error here. You can try with the file I've uploaded. Works fine. Maybe it is something with the file itself like a corrupt symbol? Could you please email me the original file?
grimurnet wrote:Call to undefined function pis_a()
Sorry this is a typo, it should say is_a() You can fix it yourself, just remove p and I will update the .zip file meanwhile.
mabro wrote:The modified contact.html and sendlink.html do stay in their originial location.
You're absolutely right, this is what we were aiming at but somehow forgot to implement. Thanks for noticing.
Also gotta say that themes aren't fully migrated in iv-config yet.

Flash-related stuff I will left for Karl to answer.
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