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"Watermark" overlay on images

26 Oct 2018, 13:51

Hi Karl,

personally, I am not a big fan of using watermarks on my images.
At least, I don't want to put my logo or a "watermark" onto my image during post processing.

But at least, it could be a "nice to have" feature, if X3 would provide the ability to place an overlay image (transparent logo) over the image.
You should be able to define the following things:

   Top left / centered Top / Top right
   Middle left / centered middle / Middle right
   Bottom left / centered Bottom / Bottom right

     Repeated / Single

But also, I am fine if this feature wont make it into a release ;)
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

26 Oct 2018, 23:44

Adding a "watermark" involves re-creating and re-compressing each JPG image, with the watermark-image layered on top. We can't do it "realtime" in the browser, as that is not protecting the images and more than "prevent right click" is. The images will still load into browser.

The challenge with watermarks, is re-creating and re-compressing already-optimized JPG images. See my post here:

Having said that, I think at some point we would want to look into it as an option.
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

27 Oct 2018, 05:26

does it really need to re create and re compose the images?
I'm not sure.

What about the following:
The implementation of watermark will just overlay the image with another, transparent img.
In that case, you don't really need to touch the img itself and e.g. a right click (if not disabled) would only affect the overlayed watermark img.

Don't know, if this would work...

Something like this:
<div class="parent">
    <img src="" />
    <div class="inner"><img src="" /></div>


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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

27 Oct 2018, 06:28

 I been in this specific business for 15 years working with photo galleries and clients who want to protect their photos. Please let me explain why your suggestions have no value:

First of all, did you already see there was a button "block image downloads" button in Settings > Advanced? This method ALREADY blocks the visitor from trying to right-click and "download image". Effectively, it does exactly the same as your suggestion, but without the specific layer "hack". This solution is "useful", as it blocks most normal visitors from downloading the photo.

However, this is NOT watermarking, and does NOT provide true protection. Just because the images are blocked with an "overlay" (your suggestion) or the built-in X3 "block image downloads" javascript, does not prevent the original images from loading into the browser. Anyone with some technical insight will know that they could just enable a browser "image downloader" plugin, or even just use the built-in network inspector like the screenshot below, where I can simply download each image. Obviously without the overlay:

To conclude:
  • X3 already does what you suggest, but slightly more elegant.
  • Neither the X3 solution or your solution is true protection. The ONLY way to truly protect images (for those who are paranoid about that) is to truly watermark the image.
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

27 Oct 2018, 08:27

Hi Karl,
I know exactly what you mean - and in fact - I also know those limitations - and: yes, I have seen this setting (and I think it is enabled on my page)
It was just an idea - which I have seen within another portfolio page - and there, the overlay watermark was done without changing / altering the image itself - because you could do changes on the watermark instantely
you were allowed to just use a text - or another, overlay image.

I just thought, that this could be a nice additional feature for some users.
At all - I am not a big fan of watermarking images, because most watermarks I have seen on images are totally ruin the whole image / disturbing the visitor viewing the image.
But also I know, that this is something, many "hobby photographers" want to have... and it would allow to do this, without altering their images - or do "re-processing" of already finished images, etc.
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

27 Oct 2018, 10:51

But what's the point, if it doesn't protect the image? We already have a long list of features we would like to add to the complex X3 machinery, and won't be spending time on features that have no benefit and are not specifically requested.
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

27 Oct 2018, 10:56

than that's fine :)
it was just an idea that came up in my mind... :)
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Re: "Watermark" overlay on images

12 Sep 2023, 06:44

Since X3.32.0, it's now possible to watermark images on upload from the included Files Gallery located in /files/ dir.